Don't Make These Common DTF File Mistakes


When sending files for printing, some small mistakes can make printing take longer. To make sure your job is printed quickly, try not to make these mistakes.


Image Resolution

Incorrect - Submitted in RGB Color Mode

Issue: Files were not designed in the correct color mode for print (CMYK).

Result: When this card is printed, the color does not translate properly to the 4-color process of a professional printing press, which results in colors appearing dull and washed out compared to how they viewed on screen.

Correct - All images are 300dpi

Best Practice: By using larger, high-resolution, images to begin with, you're able to achieve a terrific amount of image detail in your final printed product.

Incorrect - Submitted in RGB Color Mode Correct - All images are 300dpi

Color Mode

Incorrect - Submitted in RGB Color Mode

Issue: Files were not designed in the correct color mode for print (CMYK).

Result: When this card is printed, the color does not translate properly to the 4-color process of a professional printing press, which results in colors appearing dull and washed out compared to how they viewed on screen.

Correct - Submitted in CMYK Color Mode

Best Practice: By converting the color mode to CMYK for all graphical elements you are using, you can see a more accurate view of the colors in your art, and make any necessary changes before uploading your files for print.

Incorrect - Submitted in RGB Color Mode

 Correct - Submitted in CMYK Color Mode